How to make a Mushroom hat folk costume and our favorite mushroom books - Sisters, What!

How to make a Mushroom hat folk costume and our favorite mushroom books

Mushrooms are a favorite pass time in our house, especially in the fall after it rains! learn how to make a mushroom hat and mushroom folk costume - inspired by Tales of the Mushroom Folk
easy mushroom hat costume cardboard
Last year, we did a little unit study on Mushrooms. Well, we always try to read about mushrooms every fall when it rains. Confession, I actually don't like eating mushrooms, but I love finding and looking at mushrooms. They come in all sorts of different sizes and are very unique in all their growing stages. Plus, they like a super organism that are natures top decomposers and help clean up toxins. So many cool things about them. 
Check out some of our favorite books about Mushrooms. It includes the Tales of the Mushroom Folk, which is the inspiration for this costume. 
diy mushroom costume hat

Favorite books about Mushrooms:

how to make a mushroom hat for mushroom costume

After reading about the mushroom folk, my daughter decided that she wanted to be a mushroom for Halloween. I've been waiting for one of my kids to want to be a mushroom for years. I was very excited to finally add mushrooms to our costume list. 

 I must admit, it reminds me of something the Harfoots might wear in the Ring of Powers. Next on the list is to have my small people be Harfoots from the Rings of Power for Halloween. 

This was actually relatively easy to make. My daughter was able to help with most of it. To make a mushroom hat you need cardboard, felt and some batting. To bind it all together, duck tape and hot glue. So lets get started!

How to Make a Mushroom Hat Folk Costume 

  • Felt
  • Cardboard
  • Batting
  • Duck tape or other strong tape
  • Hot glue
Step 1: 
Measure a strip of cardboard (about 2 inches wide) to fit around the desired head. Tape it together.

Step 2:
Next make cross sections to make the top structure of the hat. We did 3 of them. Tape those to the base of the hat. 
Step 3:
Next you want to cut a circular shape with a hole in the middle the size of the base of the hat. Tape this to your hat base. 
make a mushroom hat out of cardboard
Step 4:
Here is where your going to wrap your batting around your base hat shape. Stretch and try to make it smooth as possible. Flip it over and hot glue it to the base. 
Step 5:
Now we're going to take the red felt and wrap it around the batting. This part was a little tricky to get it smoothed out on the hat. But, we finally just let the folds happen and realize they add a mushroom charm to it. Flip it over and glue it to the base. 
upcycled mushroom hat
For the bottom of the hat, you're going to take white felt and bunch it up as you go and glue it so it covers up the underside of the hat. This will be the gills of the hat. You can be precise or just go with it. We kind of just went with it instead of being precise and we love how it worked. Last, hot glue some white spots to the top. And you're done!
Mushroom hat made out of cardboard

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