These easy kid friendly DIY toy wood craft projects are easy and fun for kids to make using scrap wood pieces. Just need an adult to help with cutting and assembling. Perfect for kids to plan out what kind of toy wood craft they can make.
It's time for another Handicraft Class, today's theme is Wood Craft! In cased you missed it, go and check out April's Sewing Handicraft's class.
For this month, I really wanted to have the kids do something with wood. But wood can be tricky because of the power tools needed for so many projects. But as I was going through our wood stock in the garage, I realized we had so many tiny scraps of wood that weren't useful for many projects. I was inspired by Frugal Fun for Boys Wood Robots to let the kids design their own wood robot. You May Also Enjoy:
My kids were so excited for Friday when I told them that it was Wood shop Class Friday. I told them my idea of the robots but it was up to them to come up with a design. After looking through all the scraps, only my daughter was interested in making a robot, which ended up being a wood doll, which was great. My boys though, they were inspired by the idea of using the scraps and decided they wanted to do their own design. My oldest found many different size of dowels and designed a a sky scraper tower.
My other two boys decided they wanted to make boats. I was really excited for all of them. I felt I had started a little fire inside of them and then they took it and made the whole project completely there idea. I was so thrilled. They all designed their project on paper first and then they picked out wood they wanted and got planning.
A small little blessing during this time of quarantine is having my husband working from home. He was able to take a break and help with wood shop. He loved helping them through the whole thing and seeing each of their projects come to life.
And, I too was inspired to make something with our scrap wood. We have a few wood blocks that the kids love playing with and I recently made them a Grimm Rainbow set. I thought a few little block houses would go perfect with their wood people and animals. I had lots of fun making those and all the kids think they are fun too.
Ok lets get started on the instructions!!
DIY Toy Wood Craft for Kids to Make Handicraft Series
- Wood Scraps
- Wood Glue
- Screws
- Acrylic Paint
- Woodworking with Kids Book (a great book with lots of details and pictures)
How to Make a Wood Boat
Step 1: Draw Design and Gather Wood
First things first, let your kids gather wood and design their design. Maybe they need to see the wood first, maybe they need to draw it first. Let them decide what they should do. They'll figure it out. Drawing it out is only optional, but share with them that a lot of professionals like to draw out their design first to help them with their design.
Once they know what they are making, have them draw on the wood how big they want the base of the boat to be. Then using a ruler, they can figure out and draw the point of the boat. Again, I gave tips, but ultimately let him decide what he wanted it to look like.
Step 2: Cut Wood
This is an important that only your parent should do. If they feel like you can cut the wood with them, that is up to them. Once you have drawn what needs to be cut, take your wood piece to be cut by your helping parent.
Step 3: Sand
Once you're pieces are all cut, it's time to sand down the wood. Look for areas that have rough surfaces or splinters of wood coming off. You want it to be smooth as you can make it.
Step 4: Paint
Before gluing it together, you need to paint your wood pieces. If you want to leave it natural looking, then skip the painting and go straight to glueing. If you paint, let completely dry before gluing pieces together.
Step 5: Wood Glue
Now it's time to piece it all together. Starting with your main pieces, spread glue on the bottom. Then press your two big pieces together. Using a clamp, clamp carefully the pieces. Let glue dry. Keep doing this until you get all the pieces on there. You might need to get creative with gluing on awkward pieces side dowel pieces.
How to Make a Wood Doll
Step 1: Draw Doll, Assemble Wood Pieces and cut
My daughter is a planner and a writer. So, drawing her design out goes right along with her personality. She took it very seriously and drew her doll out before finding her pieces. Then we looked for pieces. ad figured out what would be good for what part of the body. She then figured out what would work for the legs and arms and then we cut any necessary pieces.

Step 2: Sand and Paint
Like the boat, sand any pieces of needed. She choose good plywood scraps so she didn't need to do any sanding. So she got right to painting once her pieces were cut. She decided last minute to add a skirt as well.
Step 3: Wood Glue
After paint is completely dry, it's time to assemble and start gluing the pieces together. We glued the legs to the body, the feet and the head. Again, remember to use a clamp or something to keep the wood together while drying. She wanted the arms to move so we screwed the arms to the body just loose enough that she can move them back and forth.
Please tag us @sisterswhat on instagram if you make anything inspired by this post. We wood ;) all love to see it!!
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