Happy Birthday Marme! - Sisters, What!

Happy Birthday Marme!

Today is a great day. You probably didn't know that, but it is. You've actually probably been wandering around all morning wondering why today felt so different. Well I'm here to tell you why. Because today 60 years ago our mother was born.

Our mother...where do I start. She is extremely talented in many ways. She is a great teacher, artist, singer, mother, grandmother, friend. She is one of the most selfless, loving, intelligent people. Whenever someone needs a friend our mother is always there. She is the mother of six children and she did an excellent job handling/raising all of us, if I do say so myself ;). Not to mention she is hilarious!

(2nd from the left)

I'm sure the boys love you also but since this is the sisters blog we get to hog you ;)

Happy Birthday Marme! We love you so much!
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*we'll be possibly sharing this post at one of these blog parties

1 comment

  1. You girls are the cutest and sweetest!!! Happy birthday to your sweet Momma!! Such a blessing...mom's that is. Best thing ever created!! :)


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